An Open Letter to Nintendo of Canada,
Hi. I'm Matti. I grew up with you. I watched you go from 8 bits, to 64
bits. From SD Wii to the Wii U, and it's because I've known you so long
that I think we need to talk.
I have a soft spot for you. I always
have. I always will. Some of my best gaming memories are with you. I
loved you from the moment I picked up my first copy of Zelda. I remember
spending hours playing with Mario's face in Mario 64. When I got my
very own Nintendo 64 under the Christmas tree that year, I very nearly
shit a proverbial brick. You had so many good games and so many
interesting ways to play and to experience new things.
And here lies my problem.
Where's the new?
I just watched your Nintendo direct and I was underwhelmed. Yes, I love
Zelda. Yes, I love Pokemon, and Smash Brothers, and Donkey Kong and
will most likely get them when they come out (If I've bought a Wii U at
that point).
But I have a serious issue I need to discuss with you. You're stuck.
I don't know how else to say it Nintendo, but you are stuck. You are
stuck, stuck, stucky stuck-stuck. Your proverbial rut runs so deep that
it's shocking to me that you can't see how stuck you are, or that you've
been in this position before.
When you innovate you do great
things. You've given us THE major gaming franchises. Juggernauts like
Metroid, Mario and Zelda. The gaming franchises that crafted some of my
most tender childhood memories. I can't count the hours I spent on Smash
Brothers, playing alongside my childhood friends...
But there is one thing that you used to do that you don't anymore.
Nintendo: Please innovate again.
In your entire press conference you displayed a total of ONE new
franchise. Beside that, you had Smash Brothers (the fourth in the
series), Donkey Kong Country Tropic Freeze (The second in a reboot of a
series that ran for three), a new Mario 3d land reboot (countless
entries), and a Zelda Remake (Mind you, for one of the BEST Zelda games
that has ever been made... but still... Not even a new Zelda game?)
Nintendo, you are an amazing company who makes great franchises... but
you haven't had a new standout franchise since Pikmin... and that was 10
years ago now. I LOVE me Animal Crossing... and that was 10 years
ago... It seems like your desire to create new franchises died with the
Gamecube. Now you pump out new iterations of franchises every year. Yes,
I love Mario Kart, but we have 8 of them now! Yes I love Mario, but
two-five new games every year is pushing it, even for gaming's most
recognizable mascot.
I am frustrated by you because I want to see
you succeed. Remember the Wii? Remember how well it did because it was
something fresh, innovative and new? You can't just expect to keep
pumping out old franchises and hoping that these projects will float
your company indefinitely. Something either grows or it dies, and right
now you need to innovate or face the harsh consequences.
You are
perfectly poised to do amazing things, especially with the Xbox One
fiasco and the PS4 easily poised to swoop in and become the system of
choice for the next generation of games. If you can find the right games
to reach peoples hearts, you can easily succeed for decades to come.
A gaming world without Nintendo is not a gaming world that I believe to
be worth it. We need your innovation and spirit back again to help keep
the competition in line and the world gaming in new and unique ways.
You were once the ultimate in innovation. I hope to see the day when you are again.
With much love from a big fan,
Matti McLean